Friday, December 7, 2007

The Twelve Days of Christmas

With the holiday season upon us, it is our time to reflect on the year gone by and start getting together a list of resolutions for the New Year. This is one of my comic relief poems...what I call the quick pick me upper when the muse comes to a halt.

The Twelve Days of Christmas
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my critique group sent to me Twelve hours of nonstop writing,

Eleven great plots with a twist,

Ten true to life characters,

Nine boxes of tissues,

Eight books on writing,

Seven books of stamps,

Six boxes of assorted envelopes,

Five colored pencils,

Four reams of paper,

Three black ink cartridges,

Two laser printers,

And a brand new apple computer.

I’d like to wish all my fellow writers at RWA/NYC and Authors Den a Happy and Healthy Holiday season. I hope the New Year brings forth publishing contacts for First Timer Authors and Lifetime TV contacts for our Published Members.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 5th And It's Snowing in New York City

It's short of a week later, and I have continued to work on Mystical Wonders but not at the crazy pace I had been at. Now, I am trying to fit into my schedule the things that I had let slide the past month. Damn the thought of going out there Christmas Shopping makes me cringe. There are just some things you just can't buy on Amazon.

Reality is setting in again and I feel as if I have teo fight to get those few hours to do my writing. Time to put my foot down again and lock myself in my room.

Just a note to say that I support the writer's strike. I hope that they will reach a settlement so that they writers and their families can enjoy the holidays.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nano is Over

It's December 1st and Nano is officially over. I finished out the month writing over 65,000 words, my own personal goal and my novel is still in progress. I hope I will keep writing and that my muse stays this strong.

I have a lot of plans and outlines going on in my mind. But for now, I will finish writing Mystical Wonders and then take it from there.

I will continued with my weekly updates on my book and let you know how things are going in the editor/agent search for Loves Challenges and Desires.

For now, I have to finish my Christmas decorations. Talk to you soon....