Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nano Eve


It's hard to believe that Nano is about to kick off in New York City in less than 10 hours. It feels as if the countdown had just begin. I have been spending the week taking care of personal chores as well as things for my teenagers. I made it a point to take out my winter clothes, just for those nights when the temperatures dip into the 40's. The last thing I need to do is organize my desk to prevent any distractions that might those to do lists that I never got to and won't until December 1st.

I have tight schedules in the morning which consists of getting my kids up and ready for school and then my daily 3 - 5 mile walk at the boardwallk. Believe me when I say that is one thing that I will not give up. Just walking that hour clears my head and helps me go over the previous day's work, giving me the opportunity to work out the next scene in my head and see if it works or not.

Many people have asked me why am doing Nano. I am doing Nano for the rush and excitement it brings in anticipation of starting new novel and for the discipline it will undoubtedly leave me with.

I wish all my fellow peers at Romance Writers of America/New York Chapter ( Good Luck!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Full Moon

Tomorrow is the full moon and to me that is a mystical time. It seems that my creative juices run on an all time high whenever there is a full moon. I also associate the full moon with love and romance. Anyone can have sex, but to make love to the love of your life, is a feeling like no other. It is a feeling of peace...which leads to another reason why my creative juices continue to flow.

I'm really getting excited in anticipation on Nano. It is a high like no other. I've been walking the boardwalk brainstorming, getting to know my characters better and taking a good hard look into their future. It's pretty scary when your characters are telling you what to do.

Since I've been brainstorming for Nano, I have put my second love, writing poetry on hold. I love writing poetry for my "Stallion" and before Nano, I was working on a new book of poetry. I am willing to put my poetry on the back burner as I strive to to get myself into the Nano groove. Oh yes it is coming. My characters are starting to become alive and their lives are on hold until 12:00 AM, November 1st.

Friday, October 19, 2007

NANO Fever

It's that time of the year again. This is my first attempt at Nano. I usually don't have any problem writing, however, with all the pressures of the kids and every day life, I'm having a hard time jump starting and getting anything down on paper.

I'm hoping that 50,000 words will flow out of me and that my creative juices will be soaring before and during the month of November. I know that once I'm in that groove, there is no stopping me.

Now, it's brainstorming time. I will use my walk on the boardwalk every morning to plot out this new venture. If only I can come up with a Title and opening sentence, then I should be in the home free.

This weekend I will be concentrating on getting my winter cleaning done, working on the entries I have to judge for the RWA contest and starting some sort of outline so that I don't run into any road blocks on my quest of completing 50,000 words. I am excited and optimistic that I will see it through. Positive thinking...a white candle burning and an apple martini....