Friday, December 7, 2007

The Twelve Days of Christmas

With the holiday season upon us, it is our time to reflect on the year gone by and start getting together a list of resolutions for the New Year. This is one of my comic relief poems...what I call the quick pick me upper when the muse comes to a halt.

The Twelve Days of Christmas
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my critique group sent to me Twelve hours of nonstop writing,

Eleven great plots with a twist,

Ten true to life characters,

Nine boxes of tissues,

Eight books on writing,

Seven books of stamps,

Six boxes of assorted envelopes,

Five colored pencils,

Four reams of paper,

Three black ink cartridges,

Two laser printers,

And a brand new apple computer.

I’d like to wish all my fellow writers at RWA/NYC and Authors Den a Happy and Healthy Holiday season. I hope the New Year brings forth publishing contacts for First Timer Authors and Lifetime TV contacts for our Published Members.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 5th And It's Snowing in New York City

It's short of a week later, and I have continued to work on Mystical Wonders but not at the crazy pace I had been at. Now, I am trying to fit into my schedule the things that I had let slide the past month. Damn the thought of going out there Christmas Shopping makes me cringe. There are just some things you just can't buy on Amazon.

Reality is setting in again and I feel as if I have teo fight to get those few hours to do my writing. Time to put my foot down again and lock myself in my room.

Just a note to say that I support the writer's strike. I hope that they will reach a settlement so that they writers and their families can enjoy the holidays.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nano is Over

It's December 1st and Nano is officially over. I finished out the month writing over 65,000 words, my own personal goal and my novel is still in progress. I hope I will keep writing and that my muse stays this strong.

I have a lot of plans and outlines going on in my mind. But for now, I will finish writing Mystical Wonders and then take it from there.

I will continued with my weekly updates on my book and let you know how things are going in the editor/agent search for Loves Challenges and Desires.

For now, I have to finish my Christmas decorations. Talk to you soon....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Well I did it. I hit 50,000 words last night and I'm going to keep on writing. I'd love to get another 10,000 words by the November 30th. I will give it my best shot between Christmas decorations and shopping.

This Thanksgiving Season I hope to move forward withi my writing and make a pact with myself to try harder to find an agent/publisher. My ultimate dream is to finish the nano novel and begin the editing process over the winter months.

I'd like to thank my family and friends for all their support these past few weeks, putting up with my mood swings and just letting me do my writing. They listened to my complaining, "Oh my God I'm behind in my word count", but I must have been doing something right because I got my words down on paper. So no more excuses saying, "I have no time to write," because I found the time the past 22 days.

And lastly I like to thank the love of my life. You have been so supportive of me and have been the inspiration I've needed to get through anything that life has challenged me with . You are my are my "Stallion".

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I wish you nothing but peace, love and happiness!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Nano Update

Nano is more than half over and I'm smoking. I'm close to writing 45,000 words and I'm pretty confident that I am going to go beyond thr 50,000. I have worked out a writing schedule that I hope to stick to after the 30th. By writing every day I have found a peace within me that only creating and writing can give me.

I have done my very best to write 2000 words or more a day, giving me a leeway in the event that something come up. Now I am working parallel on my next project, getting my Christmas lights up before the end of the week.

My nano project is going really good. My characters have taken over, and telling me what they want to do now. So let's see what surprises are in store.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Nano is almost half over, as well as the month of November. Since I have started, I've been loney-tunes, trying to squeeze in writing in between running the kids around and doctor appointments. But through it all, I have managed to write over 30,000. Since I started, I have found not only the time but the disipline needed to create life like situations and bring my characters to life.

Tomorrow is the half way mark and I'm feeling real good about reaching the 50,000 goal. My characters are taking over and love is in the air for some of them, while one of them is on the verge of being taken for her worth.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the deadline of writing at least 2000 words a day. Nano was exactly what I needed to get back on track and get words blasted on paper. And a glass of red wine will always calm you down and get your creative juices flowing.

Visit me at to take a sneak peek at my other passion....poetry.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Nano - Day 6

It is day 6 and I already feel commited to Nano. I have named my work in progress "Mystical Wonders" and the more I write, the more my characters are talking to me and taking on a live of their own.

I am hoping to have penned at least 15,000 words by the end of week 1. I need that cushion because when you have kids, you never know when something comes up and I won't be able to make my word quota for the day.

I feel a certain kind of peace, that I can only obtain when my writing is on fire. I have the Nano fever and hope this is the jumpstart I need to keep the fire burning. I do miss my poetry. I had started writing a small poetic anthology that I will pick up on once I come down from the Nano high.

Nano has become a part of my life just as my walking the boardwalk every day. I hope everyone has a wonderful week despite the cold weather that is pushing its way into New York City.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nano Eve


It's hard to believe that Nano is about to kick off in New York City in less than 10 hours. It feels as if the countdown had just begin. I have been spending the week taking care of personal chores as well as things for my teenagers. I made it a point to take out my winter clothes, just for those nights when the temperatures dip into the 40's. The last thing I need to do is organize my desk to prevent any distractions that might those to do lists that I never got to and won't until December 1st.

I have tight schedules in the morning which consists of getting my kids up and ready for school and then my daily 3 - 5 mile walk at the boardwallk. Believe me when I say that is one thing that I will not give up. Just walking that hour clears my head and helps me go over the previous day's work, giving me the opportunity to work out the next scene in my head and see if it works or not.

Many people have asked me why am doing Nano. I am doing Nano for the rush and excitement it brings in anticipation of starting new novel and for the discipline it will undoubtedly leave me with.

I wish all my fellow peers at Romance Writers of America/New York Chapter ( Good Luck!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Full Moon

Tomorrow is the full moon and to me that is a mystical time. It seems that my creative juices run on an all time high whenever there is a full moon. I also associate the full moon with love and romance. Anyone can have sex, but to make love to the love of your life, is a feeling like no other. It is a feeling of peace...which leads to another reason why my creative juices continue to flow.

I'm really getting excited in anticipation on Nano. It is a high like no other. I've been walking the boardwalk brainstorming, getting to know my characters better and taking a good hard look into their future. It's pretty scary when your characters are telling you what to do.

Since I've been brainstorming for Nano, I have put my second love, writing poetry on hold. I love writing poetry for my "Stallion" and before Nano, I was working on a new book of poetry. I am willing to put my poetry on the back burner as I strive to to get myself into the Nano groove. Oh yes it is coming. My characters are starting to become alive and their lives are on hold until 12:00 AM, November 1st.

Friday, October 19, 2007

NANO Fever

It's that time of the year again. This is my first attempt at Nano. I usually don't have any problem writing, however, with all the pressures of the kids and every day life, I'm having a hard time jump starting and getting anything down on paper.

I'm hoping that 50,000 words will flow out of me and that my creative juices will be soaring before and during the month of November. I know that once I'm in that groove, there is no stopping me.

Now, it's brainstorming time. I will use my walk on the boardwalk every morning to plot out this new venture. If only I can come up with a Title and opening sentence, then I should be in the home free.

This weekend I will be concentrating on getting my winter cleaning done, working on the entries I have to judge for the RWA contest and starting some sort of outline so that I don't run into any road blocks on my quest of completing 50,000 words. I am excited and optimistic that I will see it through. Positive thinking...a white candle burning and an apple martini....