Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Full Moon

Tomorrow is the full moon and to me that is a mystical time. It seems that my creative juices run on an all time high whenever there is a full moon. I also associate the full moon with love and romance. Anyone can have sex, but to make love to the love of your life, is a feeling like no other. It is a feeling of peace...which leads to another reason why my creative juices continue to flow.

I'm really getting excited in anticipation on Nano. It is a high like no other. I've been walking the boardwalk brainstorming, getting to know my characters better and taking a good hard look into their future. It's pretty scary when your characters are telling you what to do.

Since I've been brainstorming for Nano, I have put my second love, writing poetry on hold. I love writing poetry for my "Stallion" and before Nano, I was working on a new book of poetry. I am willing to put my poetry on the back burner as I strive to to get myself into the Nano groove. Oh yes it is coming. My characters are starting to become alive and their lives are on hold until 12:00 AM, November 1st.

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